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Search Results for: nullify

What Is Jury Nullification?

Jurors not only can determine whether someone is innocent or guilty of a crime, but they also have the power to determine whether the law under which an individual is being prosecuted

Criminal Procedure (Investigations)

Exclusionary Rule 1) Evidence 2) collected or analyzed 3) in violation of the defendant’s constitutional rights is sometimes inadmissible for a criminal prosecution in a court of law 4) in order to deter future 4th Amendment violation. – Good-Faith Exception: “When the police act with

Contracts I (Contract Law and Theory)

Contracts Outline Contracts What is a Promise? Contract – A contract is a promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance

How To Report Immigration Marriage Fraud

Unfortunately, some immigrants try to cheat the system in order to gain entry into the United States. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) appreciates whistleblowers who report fraud. Here is

How to Give Someone a Power of Attorney

There are several reasons why getting a power of attorney (POA) may be necessary. Whether your health is declining or you plan to travel for an extended period of time, appointing a


Degree of unreasonableness and unfairness of a contract or deal prompting a court to modify or nullify it.


Legal principle where a court will modify or nullify conditions of contract placing one party at the other’s mercy.


1. To nullify an contract by means of mutual agreement. 2. To officially abolish a law.


To abrogate, annul, avoid, or cancel a contract; particularly, nullifying a contract by the act of a party. See Powell v. Linde Co., 29 Misc. Rep. 419, GO N. Y. Supp. 1044