a court proceeding to remove a cloud from a property title. See cloud on title.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
a court proceeding to remove a cloud from a property title. See cloud on title.
a Latin phrase that means that the 2 things that appear to be different on the surface are actually the same matter.
a Latin term for the legal action to collect a penalty through supplied information.
This describes an area of land that is usually 160 acres.
a suit brought about to obtain a determination as to the title of a certain piece of property.
a term applied to an admission that has inconsistent statements.
an oath that is taken under some circumstances that will modify and reduce its forcefulness.
This term means to be full of complaints, be a habitual complainer, to continually find fault and to be peevish.
the term that describes a person’s attributes that are needed for a certain job or position.
a term that means the result of division.
a question asked of a witness by the attorney that suggests the answer to be given.
a term used for the conditional clause in a contract.
More than double indemnity in insurance cases. Often known as multiple indemnity.
Data that is used to describe a product but not define its characteristics. Non- measurable data that does not include any weight or dimensions. It is information that has been collected about
A method of improving the production process that makes an item. Various parts will show improvement by cutting losses, improving production times. A systematic approach is used in order to improve the
A chart that is produced to ensure quality by giving a score to each part of the process. Each process is given a score depending on the importance of the process.
The amount that a consumer creates by demanding an item. The demand for an item will initiate a set quantity of an item be available for purchase.
The acts of an officer that take on a judicial quality. The officer is authorised to act in such a way.
1. Personal finance software. It is a program that will anable everyone to cope with their own financial tasks in one easy to us eprogram. 2. To make something happen in a
A term used by auditors about accounts which have been audited and the auditor has doubts or disagrees with certain aspects of the accounts. The doubts will be considered to be of
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