These are short length light rays passed through a vacuum tube that can penetrate tissue. Also called roentgen rays.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
These are short length light rays passed through a vacuum tube that can penetrate tissue. Also called roentgen rays.
Used in the financial press to indicate stock trading with no dividend,; bond trading with no interest; mutual fund paid recently a dividend or capital gain.
a term used to refer to a table in progress that is not yet able to be used in rating.
In the civil and old English law. An inn allowed by public license,for the entertainment of strangers, and other guests. Calvin.; Cowell.A hospital; a place where sick and infirm persons are taken
A punishment among the Greeks answering to our stocks. Wharton.
In Roman law. An officer who attended to the repairs of the temples and other public buildings; the repairs and cleanliness of the streets; the care of the weights and measures; the
Lat In the Roman law. The treasury, (flscus.) Calvin.
In old English law. Esnecy ; the right or privilege of the eldest born. Spelman; Glanv. lib. 7, c. 3; Fleta, lib. 2, a 66,
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