Hit and Run
When a motorist involved in an accident flees the scene.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
When a motorist involved in an accident flees the scene.
A term used to describe property held by a person who is not the owner but who is a trustee or an agent. TLD Example: The parties to the contract agreed to
This term applies to an act that is carried out with no regard to the safety and welfare of other people.
This applies to the reporting of physicians to the appropriate authorities about drug users and addicts.
This term gives the right of self-government that is granted to a body within a states borders.
These are the laws that forbid a person a person from laving the scene of an accident.
an adverb that refers to a phrase, sentence, page, clause or paragraph in a document.
These are the items found in a home that are permanent in nature.
the term used when a person has been disgraced, belittled or made to look foolish.
the term that describes taking an organ from one person and giving it to another person.
The term given to an agreement between management and labor.
This term applies to a person who kills another person while defending himself.
These are words found in an habendum clause in a deed that says exactly what the heirs will receive.
a term given to a book that is for the purpose of teaching a subject’s fundamentals.
the term given to the induced state of a person who is responsive to suggestion.
These are the documents that relate to a patient while they have been in hospital.
This term applies to a corporation that buys a large plot of land and improves it for houses.
This term is given to an attorney who is employed exclusively by one corporation or company.
a defect not immediately apparent and turns up later.
a deceitful act where only part of the truth is told where all of the truth will lead to a different conclusion.
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