Unfortunately, some immigrants try to cheat the system in order to gain entry into the United States. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) appreciates whistleblowers who report fraud. Here is how to report immigration marriage fraud.

“Anonymity & Whistleblower Protection”

United States citizenship is very valuable and some applicants try to leapfrog over others by engaging in marriage fraud. Having an American citizen as a spouse is one of the fastest ways to citizenship. The USCIS has an extensive interview process, including unscheduled visits, but even this is not enough to deter all of the fraud.

If you have information concerning immigration marriage fraud, the USCIS would appreciate your assistance. There are many ways you can contact the USCIS anonymously. You may be listed as a “concerned citizen” in records to protect your identity. You should make sure to collect concrete evidence proving the fraud as well as the individuals:

  • Name
  • Sponsor’s name
  • Any aliases
  • Addresses
  • The alien immigration number (if possible)

The government will need this information to identify the exact person engaged in the sham marriage.

The most direct way to report fraud is to contact the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division. They are the police force for immigration. You can contact them by phone and remain anonymous – 1-(866)-DHS-2-ICE or visit the website at “ice.gov”. These hotlines are specifically designated for reporting immigration violations.

You could also contact the USCIS directly at 1-(800)-375-5283. When you speak to a live representative, you can make sure your information is properly recorded. You could also schedule an InfoPass appointment to personally meet a USCIS official to discuss the marriage sham.

Immigration Marriage Fraud

How To Report Illegal Immigrants

“Penalties for Immigration Marriage Fraud”

Fraud will nullify any benefits of United States citizenship and could lead to deportation. The United States citizen may be guilty of the felony of defrauding the federal government with penalties of up to five (5) years in prison or a fine of $250,000.

In most cases, any reports of potential fraud will help the customs officials to increase their investigations into the validity of the said marriage. The government has limited personnel to handle all of these cases, but with this “red flag” they are more likely to find other clues as to the fraudulent nature of the marriage.

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