Property or asset that is free from any debt.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
Property or asset that is free from any debt.
Transmission from a point to another point from one device to another device.
Websites internet address, file or document. It reads HTTP://www.address/directories/filename. Also known as Universal Resource Locator, URL or web address.
Benefit of a service or good differing from competing brands giving the buyer a reason to buy it.
Man hours used to produce one unit of output.
1. Benefit retention with no consideration of return where it can be reasonably expected. 2. Money obtained that is not a gift that the beneficiary needs to make restitution for.
Check dishonored on presentation at bank where it was drawn.
Overtime that is not planned due to a bottleneck or to fix a ‘behind schedule’ position.
Term in network marketing for independent distributors above the representatives genealogy.
Transaction of stock markets where a new quote or transaction is higher than the last one. Also known as a plus tick.
Body with authority to use equipment, applications, systems, etc. But may not be the item’s buyer.
Money for vacation paid to the employee.
Retailer who augments, assembles or repackages services and goods to biter suit needs of the buyer.
Derivation of a utility from every sum of money.
Coherent set of values used by a person, society or organization as standard guiding behavior in situations.
Exerted force of a Fas or vapor that is released by liquids and solids in an enclosed space.
Electronic machine that dispenses products when money is put it into it.
Organizational structure where information passes from top levels of management down through the lower levels and little is passed back up. Also known as top down management.
Government agency providing services to US veterans.
Seconds of time a banner ad can be seen on a web page.
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