What is a Deposition?
An essential element of any civil or criminal court action is the evidence offered by the parties. Evidence is what each side in a dispute must present to either a judge or
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
An essential element of any civil or criminal court action is the evidence offered by the parties. Evidence is what each side in a dispute must present to either a judge or
A program of study that teaches safe driving techniques to drivers. Participants may be eligible for discounted premiums on their car insurance.
Diction can refer to either the words and phrases a person or organization uses through speech or in written materials, or to a person’s enunciation style in oral discourse. While diction can
a trust that allows the trustee to use their own judgement in pertinent matters.
This term applies to a child who has committed an unlawful offense that is punishable if it was an adult.
the status a person can have when he is claimed by 2 countries to be a citizen and can travel on 2 passports.
This term is used to characterise the appearance and the look and the attitude of a witness.
This land that has control over and restricts the construction of buildings within a set distance from the boundaries.
The date that a debt will fall due on.
A law in some states where a widow has the right to one-third of her husband’s land.
the term meaning the uncontrollable addiction to alcohol or a mental illness featuring habitual intoxication.
the written agreement where both parties will agree to do certain actions.
This term is given to a company that functions as a legal enterprise but really has nor purpose at all in the corporation.
a term with several meanings used to describe sensual acts that are in excess of normal behaviour.
the term that applies to the buying and selling of something.
This the money that is awarded to the complainant that is equal to the actual injury or loss. See damages, compensatory.
This term applies to deducting interest on the loan before it is given. The loan document is called a commercial paper.
This term applies when a divorced or separated couple share the custody of any children.
a phrase in a will, that shows the transfer of title and property to an heir.
the written statement that is attested under oath and is presented before a trial starts.
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