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Category: Criminal Law

Role Of The Correctional System

The correctional system serves several functions in America. The system itself consists of various government agencies that are tasked with the responsibility of protecting the populace from dangerous individuals. This is achieved

How To Download Movies Legally

When it comes to downloading movies from the Internet, most users think that they are limited to monthly subscriptions from video streaming services, using a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing client or clicking

Penalties For Food Stamp Fraud

Food stamp vouchers are an excellent option for families who are having a difficult time making ends meet. The vouchers are provided by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and are used in

How Does A House Arrest Ankle Bracelet Work?

Socialite and reality television star Paris Hilton is no stranger to making scandalous news headlines, but she truly outdid herself in 2007. While serving a term of probation for driving under the

How To Get Off Probation Early

Many people are sentenced to serve a term of probation either after serving time in jail or instead of serving jail time. Although the laws that govern probation vary between jurisdictions, it

Finding a Missing Person for Free

Going off the grid is harder now than ever, so what happens when someone you know is nowhere to be found? One of the most devastating things that can happen to anyone

Can I Get a Free Lie Detector Test?

There are many reasons one might desire a lie detector test. It could be to verify suspicions regarding spousal behavior, determine the honesty of a teenage child, or simply for a project

How to Press Charges After an Assault

Are you the victim of an assault? Maybe you know someone who is, or you’ve witnessed one take place. Either way, an assault is a serious offense in the eyes of the

Filing A Police Report For Stolen Property

When people’s belongings are stolen, they yearn for a sense of justice and compensation. In many cases, stolen property is never found, and the culprits are never apprehended for their actions. Part

How to Apply for a Governor’s Pardon

A governor’s pardon is tantamount to having the top executive of your state forgiving you for a crime to which you either plead guilty or of which you were convicted. Unlike a

What Is a No Contact Order?

A no contact order can be issued for one of many reasons, from minor altercations between couples to serious, criminal charges of stalking and sexual harassment. Other circumstances in which no contact

Why Are Steroids Illegal?

Anabolic steroids are a form of synthetic testosterone that may be prescribed by doctors but are illegal for use without a prescription. They are classified as a Schedule III controlled substance with

How To Write A Parole Letter

Parole letters are letters written either by an incarcerated person or by his or her supporters. Intelligently written parole letters attesting to the offender’s character, reformation and plans to improve his or

What is a Capias Warrant?

In the common law system of the United States, a capias warrant is essentially an order to arrest and detain an individual for the purpose of guaranteeing a court appearance. The Latin

New York State Restraining Order Rules

Whether you’re looking into filing one or whether you are on the receiving end, it is important that you know the rules regarding restraining orders in New York State. Also known as

How to Stay Anonymous When Reporting Drug Dealing

Drug dealing is a catch-all term used to describe a number of criminal activities connected with drug trafficking. They may involve smuggling, distribution, retail sales, manufacturing, and others. These activities are often

How to Obtain Police Reports

Record keeping is one of the most important functions of law enforcement agencies across the United States. Police officers are trained to document their observations and actions whenever they are called upon

How to Order a Criminal Background Check on Yourself

If you’re interested in knowing what your criminal record says, ordering one on yourself is quite simple. Potential employers, landlords, and sometimes even educational institutions to screen renters, employers and volunteers use

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