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DE JURE Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

Of right; legitimate; lawful ; by right and just title. In this sense it is the
contrary of de facto, (which see.) It may also be contrasted with de gratia, in which
case it means “as a matter of right,” as de gratia means “by grace or favor.” Again it
may be contrasted with de wqui- tate; here meaning “by law,” as the latter means “by
equity.” See GOVERNMENT.
De jure decimarum, originem ducens de jure patronatus, tunc cognitio spec- tat at
legem civilem, 1. e., communem.
Godb. 63. With regard to the right of tithes, deducing its origin from the right of the
patron, then the cognizance of them belongs to the civil law; that is, the common law.


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