The lender’s portfolio must hold these loans or sell them to private investors. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac limit criteria is exceeded by this type of mortgage.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
The lender’s portfolio must hold these loans or sell them to private investors. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac limit criteria is exceeded by this type of mortgage.
A person’s citizenship is by ‘blood’, that of the parents. This rule is followed in most countries of the world. Canada and US use Jus Solis (where born) instead.
The process used to describe asset price fluctuation.
A reason that is legally acceptable or sufficient. A request’s just cause is essential to get certain court action. Also known as good cause.
A way to asses risk by comparing potential risk against a portfolios possible returns.
When a child turns 21, the child’s insurance policy of this type automatically increases value without additional proof of insurability. Such a policy written on a child is typically in units of
To avoid a time gap and loss of retention, required knowledge and skills are learned for immediate application in this training scheme.
Constantly buying assets to boost profits.
This practice, only regulated in Canada, is for a company issuing stock options instead of being an operational business structure.
For quicker response to customer needs with no large finished goods or goods-in-process inventories, JIT inventory system is applied to production lines.
A company selling stock to raise profits. Also called a corporation or a public limited company.
Stating that a right is subordinate to another right. A second mortgagee’s right is subordinate to the primary mortgagee’s right. A claim lower in precedence than a prior or senior claim. An
To achieve uninterrupted single-piece flow through an entire manufacturing process, Just-in-time (JIT) becomes just-on-time, as successive downstream activities immediately follow previous upstream activities.
A full loan balance is a liability to the signatories as a group or from each of them individually, with enough free assets to satisfy the lender’s claim. The lender may sue
Debt claim subordinate to a prior or senior claim. A senior claim of debt is cleared in a debtor’s asset liquidation before any subordinate debt claim is paid. Also known as subordinated
Protecting rights and punishing wrongs using fairness. It is possible to have unjust laws, even with fair and proper administration of the law of the land as a way for all legal
Two or more owners having property in their names.
Stock (shares) classified as subordinate to others issued. Distribution of rights issue, dividend payment, and capital repayment must occur to the superior issues before the subordinate issues are satisfied. Also refer to
Documented contracting statement detailing why a noncompetitive contract award instead of open competition was selected.
journal voucher financial data recorded so that credits equal debits. An audit trail of business transactions in a journal. an organization’s financial position and the effects of the transactions can be analyzed
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