A term in insurance policies when the insurer must keep an amount aside from annual premiums in order to meet his obligations to the insured person.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
A term in insurance policies when the insurer must keep an amount aside from annual premiums in order to meet his obligations to the insured person.
the worth of an item in money, its value, saleable value, fair value. See value, fair; fair and reasonable market value.
An oral agreement that is reached without anything committed to writing. Also a parol contract. See oral contract; verbal contract.
a rule in building contracts where an owner is entitled to the difference in value between what is built and what should have been built.
a contract that is spoken and is not written down. See oral contract; verbal agreement.
a term used to describe the truthfulness or the honesty of a person.
the name that is given to an infection that is transmitted by sexual contact.
a situation where the jury members leave court to see where an accident or crim occurred.
the information that is kept on births, deaths. Marriages, divorces, longevity etc that is kept by public authorities for determining public utilities etc.
a term that means to cancel or to rescind the court’s judgement.
A term often used in a promissory note meaning that there has been a lawful consideration given for the note.
the interference of a person’s right to privacy by various means such as showing photos in public.
1. General. Making something effective and legal. 2. Accounting. Confirm or attest to a financial item. 3. Decision making. Establish a decisions worth.
1. Manufacturing. Analysis identifying and selecting alternatives with best value for materials, design, systems and processes. Also known as value engineering. 2. Purchasing. Replacing items with more cost effective items. Also known
Subjective assessment that something is good or bad, may or may not happen. Involve ethical, aesthetical, moral values that are not factual statements.
Important part of an ecosystem, welfare of the environment, health of a person that cab at risk from behavior and natural events.
Also known as adjustable rate.
Adam Smith theory proposing that greater economic resources are used in international trade than through national trade.
Web site serving as the point of entry to a niche market, area of interest or subject of interest. Also known as a mortal. See horizontal portal.
Company helps insurer reach a vertical settlement.
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