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Category: V


In old English law. The mistake of a clerk; a clerical error.. Vitium clerici nocere non debet. Jenk. Cent 23. A clerical error ought not to hurt Vitium est quod fugi debet,


L. Fr. To speak the truth. This phrase denotes the preliminary examination which the court may make of one presented as a witness or juror, where his competency, interest, etc., is objected


Seaweed. It is used in great quantities by the inhabitants of Jersey and Guernsey for manure, and also for fuel by the poorer classes. VS. An abbreviation for versus, (against,) constantly used


In English law. A judge of the court of chancery, acting as assistant to the lord chancellor, and holding a separate court, from whose judgment an appeal lay to the chancellor. 3


An assignment for the benefit of his creditors made by a debtor voluntarily ; as distinguished from a compulsory assignment which takes place by operation of law in proceedings in. bankruptcy or

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