This means that a court must make a decision based on the language used in writing a statute and must make no interpretation of a law.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
This means that a court must make a decision based on the language used in writing a statute and must make no interpretation of a law.
a term for sentences that run at the same time as other sentences and often occur when has a person has committed a number of wrongs.
the term that means a guess or a conjecture that a thing is true and factual with no positive proof that it is true.
the name for a one-on-one meeting between a suspect and a witness in a line up where the witness is shown a group of people and asked to select the suspect.
the term that describes a sale that is made to avoid legal obligations to a person’s creditors.
suit that is brought by a minority of share holders against a corporation.
a person who is obligated to pay the debt for a person who has failed to pay it.
a term that is applied to the good and fair value of something.
the term that is applied to the conscious intention and premeditation in carrying out an act.
the term that is used for the knowledge and ability that is possessed by an average and competent person.
the term used when evidence is excluded from being used in a jury’s considerations.
a rule that a company director is bound by duty to give certain information to the stockholders.
This means to forbid or to prohibit or out an end to a thing that already exists and to keep evidence from being presented by making out it is irrelevant or gotten
a sentence that is for a non-specified period of time and will state fro not less than and not more than.
See proceeding, supplementary.
1. A codicil in a will that replaces an old beneficiary with a new one. 2. To gift over by giving a gift of a bequest to another person as the original
the term that is used for a conference between a presiding judge and the 2 attorneys while a court is in session to discuss some matter that has arisen.
a slang phrase that describes a robbery or a hold up.
a term used to describe a pardon that is granted to a person by the action of a legislative body.
the term that applies to a sale that is ordered by a court that is against the owner’s wishes.
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