a term that means to deny and to defeat a claim that seems to be just by producing evidence that the claim is in fact unjustified.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
a term that means to deny and to defeat a claim that seems to be just by producing evidence that the claim is in fact unjustified.
the name that si given to an agent of the Internal Revenue Service whose duties are to enforce the IRS code.
a right given to a nation at war being able to stop and search a ship of another country and are spelled out by conventions of war.
a law that imposes a new obligation on past things or a law that starts from a date in the past.
A Latin phrase where the ruling of a court becomes final unless one or both parties show cause for it not to be. TLD Example: The divorce decree from the court was a
the term that is used to describe a person who is a habitual criminal.
a term that applies to the lessening of a sentence or the severity of a punishment.
the act of taking possession back of your property that had been leased to someone else.
where the court clerk will record the verdict and end the trial.
a term that means to perform a service, to deliver or to yield and give up.
the answer to a complaint, a response to a charge that completely answers the charges and may even enter a counterclaim.
a term that is used for a person’s right to the ownership and the possession of land.
The term that is given to a mental illness that is temporary but can recur from time to time.
a shield law that is designed to protect the victims of rape from being asked about their past sexual conduct.
a person who has recorded his name in the voting register and is entitled legally to cast a vote.
abbreviated to ROR when a person is released on a pledge to appear in court to answer the charges against him at a later date.
the authority of a state to set the rates that a company or a public utility can charge its customers.
a report and the response of an officer of the court to a writ or to a process.
a term that means to give forth a verdict or decision or to pronounce.
an estate that goes to a certain person to be enjoyed by them until some time in the future when something occurs.
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