These are the damages and injuries that directly result from an action or the failure to take action of the defendant.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
These are the damages and injuries that directly result from an action or the failure to take action of the defendant.
crime that is given a greater punishment than is ordinarily given out.
This term applies to the money and property available and the assets in hand that can be used to pay an outstanding debt.
a term that means to be declared innocent, be exonerated and to be dismissed.
Value increase recorded when the value of the vehicle sold was less than the vehicle worth at current valued. As an example, a gain of $500 posts to the balance sheet when
Unfilled difference. In project planning and scheduling, resources needed unmet by resources available cause a gap.
Mixture of nine parts of unleaded gasoline by volume with one part of ethanol, ethyl alcohol. Ethanol source is fermented agricultural produce, typically corn. ‘Gasohol’ is a registered trademark of the Nebraska
Defined difference between men and women based on culturally and socially constructed mores, politics, and affairs. Time and location give rise to a variety of local definitions. Contrasts to what is defined
Transport cargo rate charged by a carrier. Although discounted special class fee or a commodity fee from the carrier may be available, this cargo does not qualify.
Provides financial statements data for the entire organization. Summarizes all financial transactions recorded and sorted in subsidiary ledgers covering an accounting period. Central repository of an organization’s accounting information. Known also as
Born during the 1980s and early 1990s, this group of people’s name is based on the generation that preceded them, Generation X.
The evolution of an area due to an influx of wealthier residents and an influx of their wealth into an area. Lower-income residents begin to sell, profiting from wealthier inhabitants moving into
Name given to a now dead Website that was once active.
A PRIMARY DEALER in GILTS that commits to quoting twoway prices and bidding competitively at primary auctions. While GEMMs were once required to be separately capitalized legal entities, they may now form
Typically, one who oversees a global public offering. Often called a manager of the offering. One who is also responsible for coordinating the activities of all lead managers and underwriters. These underwriters
A global measurement of the quantity of entities recovering at least 60 percent of financial losses due to corporate fraud. Purchasing economic crime insurance and early detection of fraudulent activities are methods
1. Company shares now available for open market trading. Moving from private to public. 2. Privately-held or unknown information made available to all.
When a trader believes the price of a share, bond, or commodity will lower in the near future, that trader can sell a share, bond, or commodity before actually buying it. On
Developed by Goldman Sachs. A system used by investment managers and advisors to research, order buys and sells, and calculate outcomes. A computerized investment portfolio management system.
Exercise executive power, fairly and systematically.
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