Definition and Citations:
Quaecunque intra rationem legis in- veniuntur intra legem ipsam esse judi- cantur. Things which are found within the reason of a law are supposed to be within the law itself. 2 Inst. GS9. Quaslibet concessio domini regis cap! debet stricte contra dominum regem, quando potest intelligi duabus viis. 3 Leon. 243. livery grant of our lord the king ought to be taken strictly against our lord the king, when it can be understood in two ways. Quaclibet concessio fortissimo contra donatorem interpretanda est. Every grant is to be interpreted most strongly against the grantor. Co. Litt. 183a. Quaelibct jurisdictio cancellos suos habet. Jenk. Cent. 137. Every jurisdiction has its own bounds. Quaelibct pardonatio debet capi secundum intentionem regis, et non ad deceptionem regis. 3 Bulst. 14. Every pardon ought to be taken according to the intention of the king, and not to the deception of the king. Quaclibet poena corporalis, quamvis minima, major est qualibet poena pecu- niaria. 3 Inst. 220. Every corporal punishment, although the very least, is greater than any pecuniary punishment Quteras de dubiis legem bene discere si vis. Inquire into doubtful points if you wish to understand the law well. Litt