The Law Dictionary

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Category: L


It is clear or apparent; it appears. Satis liquet, it sufficiently appears. 1 Strange, 412.


Pertaining to polite learning ; connected with the study or use of books and writings. The word “literary,” having no legal signification, is to be taken in its ordinary and usual meaning.


In Spanish law. Litispendence’. The condition of a suit pending iu a court of justice.


The hire of a pilot for conducting a vessel from one place to another. Cowell.


Lat. A colloquy; talk. In old English law, this term denoted the oral altercations of the parties to a suit, which led to the issue, now called the “pleadings.” It also designated


In medical jurisprudence. Intervals occurring in the mental life of an insane person during which he is completely restored to the use of his reason, or so far restored that he has


A person of deranged or unsound mind; a person whose mental faculties are in the condition called “lunacy,” (q. v.) Lunaticus, qui gaudet in lucidis in- tervallis. He is a lunatic who


An ancient writ against persons who refused to serve and do labor, and who had no means of living; or against such as, having served in the winter, refus- ed to serve


In old English law. One of a class between servile and free. Palgrave, 1. 354.


Fr. In French marine law. A pilot Ord. Mar. liv. 4, tit. 3.


Consisting in real estate or land; having an estate in laud.


In old English law, signifies a burden; also a measure of weight used for certain commodities of the bulkier sort.


A word used by Lord Coke in the sense of an interpreter. 2 Inst. 515. Supposed to be a corruption of the French “latinier,” or “latiner.” Cowell; Blount.


Lat. An arbitrament or award. In old Scotch law. Sentence or judgment ; dome or doom. 1 Pitc. Crim. Tr. pt. 2, p. 8.


A post- house, or public hospital for persons affected with the more dangerous forms of contagious diseases; a quarantine station for vessels coming from countries where such diseases are prevaleut.


Possessing learning; erudite; versed in the law. In statutes prescribing the qualifications of judges, “learned in the law” designates one who has received a regular legal education, the almost invariable evidence of


In old English law. A lathe-reeve, or chief officer of a lathe. Spelman.


Lat. In tlxe civil law. One to whom a thing is bequeathed; a legatee or legatary. lust. 2, 20, 2, 4, 5, 10; Bract, fol. 40. In old European law. A legate,

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