The Law Dictionary

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Category: L


Lat Leze-majes- ty, or injured majesty; high treason. It is a phrase taken from the civil law. and anciently meant any offense against the king’s person or dignity.


Lat. A layman. One who is not in holy orders, or not engaged in the ministry of religion.


An open field without wood; a lawud or lawn. Cowell; Blount


Fr. Broad; the opposite of “estregte.” strait or strict Pures et largcs. Britt. c. 34.


To lie sideways. In opposition to lying endways; used iu descriptions of lands.


Lat. In the civil law. To name; to cite or quote; to show one’s title or authority. Calvin. In fendal law. To determine or pass upon judicially. Laudamentum, the finding or award


A vernacular term for a suit, action, or cause instituted or depending between two private persons iu the courts of law.


Fr. Loyal; that which belongs to the law.


A pulpit Mon. Angt torn. iii. p. 243. LECTURER


To make legal or lawful; to confirm or validate what was before void or unlawful; to add the sanction and authority of law to that which before was without or against law.


In old records. Litigious, and so subjected to a course of law. Cowell. Legis constructio non facit injuriam. Co. Litt. 183. The construction of law does no injury. Legis interpretatio legis vim


A person skilled in law, (in legibus versatus;) one versed in the forms of law. Calvin.


An inferior officer in forests to take care of the vert and venison therein, etc. Wharton.


Lat. A writ of execution directing the sheriff to cause to be made of the lands and chattels of the judgment debtor the sum recovered by the judgment. Pentland v. Kelly, 6


A party against whom a libel has been filed In an ecclesiastical court or In admiralty.


1. Freedom; exemption from extraneous control. The power of the will, in its moral freedom, to follow the dictates of its unrestricted choice, and to direct the external acts of the individual


One who has license to practice any art or faculty.


A qualified right of property which a creditor has in or over specific property of his debtor, as security for the debt or charge or for performance of some act. In every


A small vessel used in loading and unloading ships and steamers. The Mamie (D. C.) 5 Fed. SIS; Reed v. Ingham, 20 Eng. Law & Eq. 107.

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