This occurs where property once legally possessed is continued to be possessed when the rights have ended.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
This occurs where property once legally possessed is continued to be possessed when the rights have ended.
a clause in a life insurance policy that means the insurer cannot contest a claim if a policy has been in force for a set period of time.
term for immoral or dishonest and dishonourable conduct that violates a profession’s code of ethics.
the regular and normal course of operations of a business in conducting the customs of the trade.
a demand for damages where the price has not been set yet.
the name that is given to the union of all of the states under the US Constitution where government control is vested in the people of the states.
a rule that the majority vote of a delegation to a political convention be recorded as unanimous and give the delegation’s support to one candidate.
These are the fees charged that are out of line with the accepted charges for a service rendered.
the right a person has when his property faces a street to have access, light, air and an entrance an exit to an from his property.
a mistake where one party has misunderstood an agreement.
1. The right you have to enjoy your property. 2. To make use of or to employ something.
the set of laws that are adopted by most states that are similar in relation to the business laws.
the term applied to a person who has ingested alcohol to render them incapable of discretion and sound judgement.
This means to take property when you have no right to do so.
the term that describes a person who is unable to defend himself in court as he is suffering from ill health or a mental incapacity.
the term used to describe an unavoidable cause that has not happened due to negligence or to a lack of diligence.
the state a person is in after he has taken drugs that interfere with sound judgement and acceptable behaviour.
a term in maritime law where an accident could not be avoided by taking due care and diligence.
This means to comprehend, to know, to be aware of and to have the knowledge.
This phrase relates to a suspended sentence that has no conditions or terms attached by the court.
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