If someone you love is incarcerated, you may feel helpless. Although you may not be able to see your friend or family member very often, there is one way you can comfort them during their time in jail or prison. Sending a care package to an inmate with their favorite treats, reading materials, pictures, and notes is a great way to show your love and support. But as you’ve probably learned, there are strict rules in regards to what inmates are allowed to have possession of while they are incarcerated, so how do you know what is okay to send them in their care package? In this article, we will discuss:
- How to send care packages to inmates
- What to include in one
- Where you can go to buy the materials
How To Send Care Packages For Inmates
Because of security concerns in jails and prisons, it is no longer possible for friends and family to send care packages directly to inmates. Instead, it has become common practice for prisons to develop contracts with certain approved care package providers. Loved ones can contact these care package providers to send a gift to an inmate.
What Can I Send To Someone In Jail?
Regulations vary between jurisdictions, so it’s best to check with prison management to determine how often an inmate may receive care packages. Most only allow prisoners to receive one package each quarter. Moreover, prisons usually only contract with certain care package providers. If you order a package from another company that is not approved, it likely cannot be delivered. Contact the prison where the inmate is being held to find out which providers are approved for use.
What Comes in a Care Package for Inmates?
Each item in the package is carefully selected to meet prison regulations. They run the gamut from products designed to provide entertainment and distraction to useful everyday items. A care package might include food like coffee, candy, meats, and seafood. Personal hygiene items like toothpaste, shampoo, and deodorant are commonly included. Some inmates also receive shoes, sweats, or underwear in care packages. Sometimes things like guitar picks, headphones, art supplies, and books can be sent to prisoners.
How to Order a Care Package for Inmates
Some package services make it possible to set up a recurring order that is automatically sent each quarter. Each delivery essentially includes the same items. Customers may also make special orders for other items that are not included in the quarterly delivery. Again, it’s very important to check prison regulations before placing a special order. Some inmates may not be permitted to receive an additional delivery in the same quarter. The good news is that the care package providers make it very easy for the shopper to make smart choices. After arriving at the package provider website, users often have to input the inmate’s number or choose the correctional facility where they are housed. The user will then be given options for care packages that are approved for that inmate and that facility. If you have the opportunity to communicate with the prisoner, they may be able to tell you about certain items they need, and you can tailor your next order to meet these requirements. After the order is placed, it can be tracked at the website.
Inmate Care Packages and Suppliers
Putting together a care package yourself sounds nice, but you run the risk of including something in the package that is against the jail or prison’s rules and regulations. Before your loved one will receive your care package, it will be thoroughly examined by an officer, and only approved items will be passed along. A simple and convenient alternative to creating your own inmate care packages is using a supplier. Companies like JPay and Access Sercurepak have tons of experience putting together inmate care packages. All you need to do is visit their website and order the one you want to have shipped to your loved one. Here’s a look at some of the best suppliers to use:
Access Securepak
One of the best places you can go to purchase a care package for an inmate is Access Catalog’s Access Securepak. Serving facilities in all 50 states, Access Securepak makes it extremely simple to go online and pick out the perfect care package for a loved one who is incarcerated. They partner with jails and prisons to ensure inmates are given safe and meaningful gifts, like food and snacks, personal hygiene products, electronics, and clothing.
To see if the facility you are sending a package to is partnered with Access Securepak, visit their website and input your state. Then, choose a program, create an account, and begin shopping for the perfect care package. All items available abide by the facility’s rules and regulations for incoming shipments, so they do not have to be scanned and dug through upon arriving at the facility. Loved ones pay for everything on the website.
Mycarepack.com is another inmate care package supplier that partners with jails and prisons to provide inmates safe and secure gifts from loved ones. Similar to Access Securepak, you will visit the MyCarePack website, input the state and facility where the inmate is located, and select your items. After putting together the inmate’s care package online, you will select the inmate’s information so you know it will be delivered to the right person. MyCarePack allows you to select items like candy, clothing, coffee, condiments, drinks, food, personal hygiene materials, pre-stamped envelopes, phone cards, medicine, and other snacks.
JPay Inmate Care Packages
JPay is a company that partners with jails and prisons to provide inmate services like money transfer, email, video visitation, music, and education. So while they do not offer traditional inmate care packages with snacks and magazines, they give friends and family of inmates a way to connect with them and show their support electronically.
JPay has kiosks set up in the facilities they partner with so inmates can login and send emails to their loved ones, view photos, and view/send videograms. Inmates and loved ones can also do “video visitation” through JPay’s kiosks, which are typically 30-minute sessions to video chat with family members or friends that live far away or are not able to come to in-person visitation at the jail. All services are conveniently paid for through JPay’s online portal.
To learn more about getting in touch with someone in jail, here’s a look at our guide on the Best Way To Find Someone In Jail For Free.