A small, disposable income’s change proportion potentially spent on consumption instead of being saved. Divide the consumption change by the causal disposable income change.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
A small, disposable income’s change proportion potentially spent on consumption instead of being saved. Divide the consumption change by the causal disposable income change.
US risk-management consultant William Margrabe invented this in 1978. Exchanging of one asset for another as the basis of a futures contract, like a cross currency option. He also devised a price
Market forces causing direction and responses.
ownership Claim defect-free, claim-free, and lien-free. Asset or property owner can freely sell it. Also known as good title.
An entity’s most appealing asset as it typically is worth the most or is the biggest contribution to the entity’s overall bottom line. A marquee asset is also known as a trophy
A firm embodies and projects over all its other brands this particular type of singular, dominant brand.
Typically requiring four years of study and obtained from a college or university, this is a distinction as a higher level of education. A master’s degree program exists in almost all industries
The complete cycle flow of materials, and the associated flow of information defined as this type of planning and control of the supporting functions. In typical sequence: (1) identification, (2) cataloging, (3)
Payable matured bond with accumulated interest.
Certain water delivered contaminants in a user’s public drinking water supply has this limited highest allowable concentration.
Meals and entertainment directly related to business operation are this paid amount, for income tax purposes. The IRS allowance for a business to deduct meals and entertainment expenses from its income is
1. News, entertainment, education, data, and promotional messages are sent world-wide through this type of communication channels. Every broadcasting and narrow casting medium, like newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone,
discarded from medical facilities, blood or body tissue, and bedding, bandages, syringes, and the like are this specific type of biologic waste.
A solvent firm’s liquidation by a resolution passed for voluntary shutdown of the business by its shareholders who also typically choose and appoint the liquidator. It requires a statutory solvency declaration by
Earthquake intensity’s qualitative measure. Uses a linear empirical scale based on seismic phenomenon’s observed effects. Earthquake intensity plots on a scale I to XII. Roman numerals are used in contrast to the
Essential to life and well being within a living organism chemical and physical processes that are continually occurring together make up this specific activity. Various enzymes work on complex food substances to
735.50 watts or 0.98 standard horsepower as this unit of power.
In the US, an entity under 250 million dollar capitalization. This is less than small capitalization firms.
One-millionth of a meter, equals 0.001 millimeter, equals 0.0000394 inch. Also known as micron.
Deliveries or shipments made from the 1st to the 15th day of a month are billed as of the 15th day of that month in this specific type of Invoicing method. On
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