the term applied to the care and control of minors that are awarded by the court to one parent during a separation or divorce proceedings.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
the term applied to the care and control of minors that are awarded by the court to one parent during a separation or divorce proceedings.
the civil suit where the owner is seeking to regain the possession of his property that is taken or is being held by another.
This term is applied to a labour organisation, union, where all of the members are in the same occupation or the same trade.
This term is given to a right that has been guaranteed by the United States Constitution that cannot be violated by laws or by Congress.
a witness who testifies to the general character and reputation of the person on trial.
The term that applies to an existing debt.
This term means to be competent; having legal power or to be qualified.
the situation that occurs when members of a class suit are sued or sue on behalf of the other members and the court’s judgement is binding for all members.
These are the laws that can vary from state to state that prohibit employing minors that are under a specified age.
the public welfare and the common good.
This name is given to the community where the courts and the administrative buildings are located.
The is the sum of all of the charges that are brought up against a defendant who can be guilty of one or more counts or innocent of all counts.
This term applies to something that is fixed, uniform and invariable.
the judgement that will go into effect only when a particular condition has been fulfilled.
the term given to the emblem or the symbol used by the corporation and is shown on its stock or bond certificates.
This term is used to apply to the death penalty.
a claim that is made by a party in a suit that is in opposition to a claim already made.
a term given to a lawyer, attorney or a counsellor. To counsel someone means to advise them.
The name of a rule that is used when an ejectment suit, one that obtains possession of property, is used to remedy the determination of the title to the property.
The term that is given to a woman who is cohabiting and living with a man who have not been joined by marriage. See common-law husband.
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