It’s no secret that New York City is a big, bustling city with more than its fair share of crime. So, when faced with the reality of being mugged or worse, many people turn to self-defense mechanisms like pepper spray to protect themselves. But is pepper spray legal in NYC? Let’s take a closer look.

What Is Pepper Spray and How Does It Work?

Pepper spray consists of an ingredient called oleoresin capsicum, an oil that originates from the plant of the genus Capsicum where we get those spicy chili peppers. A few sprays and someone’s eyes become very teary because it stimulates the tear ducts in no time.

Another critical ingredient called capsaicin is found in pepper spray; capsaicin is the chemical that produces the heat in the chili peppers. However, the heat in those peppers can’t be hotter than the pepper spray! This “fiery spray” has far more concentrations of capsaicin than the chili peppers we consume.

People would usually purchase this spray to protect themselves against violent attackers, animals like bears, or aggressive dogs. Persons should not use pepper spray in any other way other than through self-defense from an attack or attacker. Furthermore, there should be a clear instruction guideline about its use on the spray bottle when purchased.

Is Pepper Spray Legal in NYC?

The use of pepper spray is legal in NYC; it’s legal in all 50 states, but depending on which state someone resides in, there are some guidelines for carrying the bottle. For example, based on some state requirements, individuals under 18 should not own a pepper spray bottle, and also, in some states, convicted felons are not allowed to purchase pepper spray.

There could also be circumstances where persons can carry the bottle, but it has to be a particular size and amount where they shouldn’t exceed a specific number of ounces per bottle.

How To Use Pepper Spray For Self-Defense

Becoming familiar with the use of pepper spray is also very important. Sometimes, using the spray bottle and protecting yourself from attackers could save your life. One major factor we should consider is its use and how to use it correctly. Here are some guidelines on how you should use pepper spray correctly.

Proper grip and control

When holding the pepper spray bottle, you should grip the bottle comfortably and place your thumb on the top of the bottle to spray. By placing your thumb on the top of the bottle, you will have a secure yet confident grip when holding the pepper spray in the palm of your hands.

In addition to having the bottle enclosed in the palm of your hand, you would also be in a good position if you may need to punch out the attacker. Another important tip when using pepper spray is always to keep your arms bent when spraying; doing this would prevent an attacker from hitting the bottle out of your hand.

Get familiar with your pepper spray.

Getting to know the amount of pepper spray shots you have in your bottle is vital. As an owner of a pepper spray, getting to know how much you have left in the bottle will keep you aware just in case you may need a new spray.

How far can your pepper spray go

Knowing how far your pepper spray can spray is also significant. Most spray bottles can go as far as 8 to 12 feet or 3 to 4 meters. So get familiar with the distance of your pepper spray bottle.

Always have your pepper spray at a close enough reach

Having your spray at a good reach is vital, just in case you may need to grab it. Keep it at arm’s reach. Also, be aware that you should always aim the pepper spray at their eyes if you have to put down an attacker effectively.

Arming and disarming the pepper spray bottle

You should be familiar with arming and disarming your pepper spray bottle and always try your best to keep the spray bottle in safety mode when not in use.

The Risks Associated With Using Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is a great way to defend yourself when in danger. It must be used correctly and disarmed when you have no intention to use it. When using the spray, be aware of how you hold it because you can spray yourself accidentally. Pepper spray should not be kept near children or pets when not in use.

Though pepper spray can be used as self-defense, it is dangerous if it’s not disarmed and kept away from children or pets. If sprayed on the face, someone will have a scalding sensation in the eyes, nose, mouth, and throat. One to a few doses of pepper spray could also prevent someone from breathing and even cause temporary blindness.

Where To Buy Pepper Spray In NYC

If you’re looking for pepper spray, they are easily available all over NYC. They can be purchased at hardware stores, sporting goods stores, and select pharmacies. Some of these places are:

Pepper spray laws vary from state to state – do your research before purchasing!

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