Definition and Citations:
Ubi non est principalis, non potest esse accessorins. 4 Coke, 43. Where there is no principal, there cannot be an accessory. Ubi nulla est conjectura quae ducat alio, verba intelligenda sunt ex pro- prietate, non grammatica, sed populari ex usu. Where there is nothing to call for a different construction, [the] words [of an instrument] are to be understood, not according to their strict grammatical meaning, but according to their popular and ordinary sense. Grot, de Jure B. lib. 2, c. 16. XTbi nullum matrimonium, ibi nulla dos. Where there is no marriage, there is no dower. Bract, fol. 92; 2 Bl. Comm. 130. Ubi periculum, ibi et lucrum colloca- tur. lie at whose risk a thing is, should receive the profits arising from it. Ubi pugnantia inter se in testamento juberentur, neutrum ratum est. Where repugnant or inconsistent directions are contained in a will, neither is valid. Dig. 50, 17, 188, pr. Ubi quid generaliter conceditur inest haec exceptio, si non aliquid sit contra jus fasque. 10 Coke, 78. Where a thing is conceded generally this exception is implied: that there shall be nothing contrary to law and right Ubi quis delinquit, ibi punietur. Where a man offends, there he shall be punished. 6 Coke, 476. In cases of felony, the trial shall be always by the common law in the same place where the offense was, and shall not be supposed in any other place. Id. UBI RE VERA. Where in reality; when in truth or in point of fact. Cro. Eliz. 645; Cro. Jac. 4. Ubi verba conjuncta non sunt sufficit alterutrum esse factum. Dig. 50, 17, 110, 3. Where words are not conjoined, it is enough if one or other be complied with.