Wood felled for building or other such like use. In a legal sense it generally means (in England) oak, ash. and elm, but in some parts of England, and generally in America, it is used in a wider sense, which is recognized by the law. The term “timber,” as used in commerce, refers generally only to large sticks of wood, squared or capable of being squared for building houses or vessels; and certain trees only having been formerly used for such purposes, namely, the oak, the ash, and the elm, they alone were recognized as timber trees. But the numerous uses to which wood has come to be applied, and the general employment of all kinds of trees for some valuable purpose, has wrought a change in the general acceptation of terms in connection therewith, and we find that Webster defines “timber” to be “that sort of wood which is proper for buildings or for tools, utensils, furniture, carriages, fences, ships, and the like.” This would include all sorts of wood from which any useful articles may be made, or which may be used to advantage in any class of manufacture or construction. U. S. v. Stores (C. C.) 14 Fed. 824. And see Donworth v. Sawyer. 94 Me. 243. 47 Atl. 523: Wilson v. State. 17 Tex. App. 393; U. S. v. Soto, 7 Ariz. 230. 04 Pac. 420.