Definition and Citations:
Lat. In pleading. Likewise ; the like. The name of the short formula used either at the end of pleadings or by Itself, expressive of the acceptance of an issue of fact tendered by the opposite party; otherwise termed a “joinder in issue.” Steph. PI. 57, 237. See Solomons v. Chesley, 57 N. H. 163. Similitndo legalis est casunm diver- sorum inter se collatornm similis ratio; qnod in uno similium valet, valebit in altero. Dissimilinm, dissimilis est ratio. Legal similarity is a similar reason which governs various cases when compared with each other; for what avails in one similar case will avail in the other. Of things dis- similar, the reason is dissimilar. Co. Litt 191. Simonia est voluntas sive desiderium emendi vel vendendi spiritualia vel spir- ltualibus adhacrentia. Contractus ex turpi causa et contra bonos mores. Hob. 167. Simony is the will or desire of buying or selling spiritualities, or things pertaining thereto. It is a contract founded on a bad cause, and against morality.