Sans Recours

Definition and Citations:

Fr. Without recourse. See INDORSEMENT. Sapiens incipit a fine, et qnod primum est in intcntione, ultimum est in exe- eutione. A wise man begins with the last, and what is first in intention is last In execution. 10 Coke, 25. Sapiens omnia agit cum consilio. A wise man does everything advisedly. 4 Inst. 4. Sapientia legis nummario pretio non est a:stimanda. The wisdom of the law canuot be valued by money. Jeuk. Cent 168. Sapientis judicis est cogitare tantum sibi esse permissum, quantum commis- snm et creditum. It is tlie part of a wise judge to think that a thing is permitted to him, only so far as it is committed and intrusted to him. 4 Inst. 163. That is, he should keep bis jurisdiction within the limits of his commission.

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