Quod Prostravit

Definition and Citations:

That he do abate. The name of a judgment upou au indictment for a nuisance, that the defendant abate such nuisance. Quod pure debetur preesenti die debe- tur. That which is due unconditionally is due now. Tray. Leg. Max. 519. Qnod qnis ex culpa sua damnum sen- tit non intelligitur damnum sentire. The damage which one experiences from his own fault is not considered as his damage. Dig. 50, 17, 203. Quod quis sciens indebitum debit bac mente, ut postea repeteret, repetere non potest. That which one has given, knowing it not to be due, with the intention of re- demanding it, he cannot recover back. Dig 12, 0, 50. Quod quisquis norit in hoc sc exerceat. Let every one employ himself in what he knows. 11 Coke. 10.

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