Definition and Citations:
Lat. In the civil law. A pleading on the part of a defendant corresponding to the rebutter at common law. The third pleading on the part of the defendant. Inst. 4, 14, 3; 3 Rl. Comm. 310. Qua; ab hostibus capinntur, statim ca- picntium fiunt. 2 Burrows, 093. Things which are taken from enemies immediately become the property of the captors. Quae ab initio inntilis fuit institutio, ex post facto convalescere non potest. An institution which was at the beginning of no use or force cannot acquire force from after matter. Dig. 50, 17, 210. Quae ab initio non valent, ex post facto convalcscere non possnnt. Things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act. Tray. Lat. Max. 482. Quae accessionum locum obtinent, ex- tinguuntur cum principales res peremp- tse fuerint. Things which hold the place of accessories are extinguished when the principal things are destroyed. 2 Poth. Obi. 202; Broom, Max. 496. QU.33 AD UNUM FINEM 971 QU.