Definition and Citations:
In the law of elections. The excess of the votes cast for one candidate over those cast for any other. Where there are only two candidates, he who receives the greater number of the votes cast is said to have a majority; when there are more than two competitors for the same office, the person who receives the greatest number of votes has a plurality, but he has not a majority unless he receives a greater number of votes than those cast for all his competitors combined. In ecclesiastical law, “plurality” means the holding two, three, or more benefices by the same incumbent; and he is called a “pluralist.” Pluralities are now abolished, except In certain cases. 2 Steph. Comm. 601, 692. Plures cohseredes sunt qnasi unum corpus propter unitatem juris quod ha- bent. Co. Litt. 163. Several co-heirs are, as it were, one body, by reason of the unity of right which they possess Plures participes sunt quasi unum corpus, in eo quod unum jus habent. Co. Litt 104. Several parceners are as one body, In that they have one right