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NEMO BIS PUNITUR 813 NEMO EX SUO DELICTO Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

properly rejected this as a rule of evidence. 7 Term It 001. Nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto. No man is punished twice for the same offense. 4 Bl. Comm. 315; 2 Hawk. P. C. 377. Nemo cogitationis poenam patitur. No oue suffers punishment on account of his thoughts. Tray. Lat. Max. 362. Nemo cogitur rem suam vendere, etiam justo pretio. No mau is compelled to sell his own property, even for a just price. 4 lust. 275. Nemo contra factum suum venire potest. No man can contravene or contradict his own deed. 2 Inst. 66. The principle of estoppel by deed. Best, Ev. p. 408,


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