1. Remaining undischarged; unpaid; uncollected; as an outstanding debt. 2. Existing as an adverse claim or pretension; not united with, or merged in, the title or claim of the party; as au
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
1. Remaining undischarged; unpaid; uncollected; as an outstanding debt. 2. Existing as an adverse claim or pretension; not united with, or merged in, the title or claim of the party; as au
To supersede; annul; reject by subsequent action or decision. A judicial decision is said to be overruled when a later decision, rendered by the same court or by a superior court in
Hear ye. A word used in courts by the public crier to command attention when a proclamation is about to be made. Commonly corrupted into “O yes.” p. 807 PACTA CONVENTA P.
Lat. On account of; for. Several Latin plirases and maxims, commencing with this word, are more commonly introduced by “in” (q. v.)
Lat In Roman law. The legal relation existing between two certain persons whereby one (the creditor) is authorized to demand of the other (the debtor) a certain performance which has a money
Ratifying aud confirming.
In feudal law. A tribute which the lord imposed on his vassals or tenants for his necessity. Hindrance; trouble; vexation by suit.
Eight such; eight such men; eight such jurors. The name of a writ, at common law, which issues when upon a trial at bar, eight more jurors are necessary to fill the
n. An officer; a person invested with the authority of an office. In the civil law. The minister or apparitor of a magistrate or judge. In canon law. A person to whom
An instrument (e. g., a will) wholly written by the person from whom it emanates.
A phrase used in reciting the date of an occurrence or conveyance, to escape the necessity of being bound by the statement of an exact date.
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