Latini Juniani

Definition and Citations:

Lat. In Roman law. A class of freedtnen (librrtini) intermediate between the two other classcs of freed- men called, respectively, “Circs I’nmani” and “Dcditicii.” Slaves under thirty years of age at the date of their manumission, or manumitted otherwise than by vindicta. census, or tcstainentum, or not the quiritary property of their manumissors at the time of manumission, were called “Latini.” By rea- son of one or other of these three defects, they remained slaves by strict law even after their manumission, but were protected In their liberties first by equity, and eventually by the Lex Junia Norbana. A. D. 19, from which law they took the name of “Juniani” In addition to that of “Latini.” Brown.

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