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FRONTAGEFRONTAGER Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

In English law a frontager is a person owning oroccupying land which abuts on a highway, river, sea-shore, or the like. The term isgenerally used with reference to the liability of frontagers on streets to contribute towardsthe expense of paving, draining, or other works on the highway carried out by alocal authority, in proportion to the frontage of their respective tenements. Sweet.The term is also in a similar sense in American law, the expense of local improvementsmade by municipal corporations (such as paving, curbing, and sewering) beinggenerally assessed on abutting property owners in proportion to the “frontage” of theirlots on the street or highway, and an assessment so levied being called a “frontage assessment.” Neenan v. Smith, 50 Mo. 531; Lyon v. Tonawanda (C. C.) 98 Fed. 366.


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