
Definition and Citations:

Lat. An end; a fine; a boundary or terminus; a limit Also in L. Lat, a fine (q.v.)Finis est amicabilis compositio et finalis concordia ex concensu et concor- dia dominiregis vel justiciarum. Clan, lib. 8, c. 1. A tine is an amicable settlement and decisiveagreement by consent and agreement of our lord, the king, or his justices.Finis fincin litibus imponit. A fine puts an end to litigation. 3 Inst. 78.Finis rei attendendns est. 3 Inst. 51. The end of a thing is to be attended to.Fini3 unins cliei est principium alterius.2 Bulst. 305. The end of one day is the beginning of another.

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