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EX DOLO MALO Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

Out of fraud; out of deceitful or tortious conduct. A phrase appliedto obligations and causes of action vitiated by fraud or deceit.Ex dolo malo non oritnr actio. Out offraud no action arises; fraud never gives a right of action. No court will lend its aid to aman who founds his cause of action upon an immoral or illegal act. Cowp. 343; Broom.Max. 729.Ex donationibns antem feoda mill- taria vel magnum serjeantium non con- tinentibusoritur nobis quoddam nomen generale, quod est socagium. Co. Litt. 86. Prom grantsnot containing military fees or grand serjeanty, a kind of general name Is used by us,which is “socage.”


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