
Definition and Citations:

Prudence; vigilant activity; attentiveness; or care, of which there areinfinite shades, from the sligHtest momentary thought to the most vigilant anxiety; butthe law recognizes only three degrees of diligence: (1) Common or ordinary, whichmen, in general, exert in respect of their own concerns; the standard is necessarilyvariable with respect to the facts, although it may be uniform with respect to theprinciple. (2) High or great, which is extraordinary diligence, or that which very prudentpersons take of their own concerns. (3) Low or slight, which is that which persons ofless than common prudence, or indeed of no prudence at all, take of their ownconcerns.The civil law is In perfect conformity with the common law. It lays down threedegrees of diligence,

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