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AGRICULTURE Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

The science or art of cultivating the ground, especially in fields or large areas, including the tillage of the soil, the planting of seeds, the raising and harvesting of crops, and the rearing of live stock. Dillard v. Webb, 55 Ala. 474. And see Bin- zel v. Grogan, 67 Wis. 147, 29 N. W. 895; Simons v. Lovell, 7 Ileisk. (Teun.) 510; Springer v. Lewis, 22 Pa. 191. A person actually engaged in the “science of agriculture” (within the meaning of a statute giving him special exemptions) is one who derives the support of himself and his family, in whole or in part, from the tillage and cultivation of fields. He must cultivate something more than a garden, although it may be much less than a farm. If the area cultivated can be called a held, it is agriculture, as well in contemplation of law as in the etymology of the word. And if this condition be fulfilled, the uniting of any other business, not inconsistent with the pursuit of agriculture, does not take away the protection of the statute. Springer v. Lewis, 22 I’a. 193.


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