Warrant, N

Definition and Citations:

1. A writ or precept from a competent authority in pursuance of law, directing the doing of an act, and addressed to an officer or person competent to do the act, and affording him protection from damage, if he does it. People v. Wood, 71 N. Y. 376. 2. Particularly, a writ or precept issued by a magistrate, justice, or other competent authority, addressed to a sheriff, constable, or other officer, requiring him to arrest the body of a person therein named, and bring him before the magistrate or court, to an- swer, or to be examined, touching some offense which he is charged with having com- mitted. See, also, BENCII-WARRANT; SEARCH- WARRANT. 3. A warrant is an order by which the drawer authorizes one person to pay a par- ticular sum of money. Shawnee County v. Carter, 2 Kan. 130. 4. An authority issued to a collector of taxes, empowering him to collect the taxes extended on the assessment roll, and to make distress and sale of goods or land iu default of payment. 5. An order issued by the proper authorities of a municipal corporation, authorizing the payee or holder to receive a certain sum out of the municipal treasury.

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