Si Actio

Definition and Citations:

Lat. The conclusion of a plea to an action when the defendant demands judgment, if the plaintiff ought to have his action, etc. Obsolete. Si alicujus rei societas sit et finis ne- gotio impositus est, finitur societas. If there is a partnership in any matter, and the business is ended, the partnership ceases. Griswold v. Waddington, 16 Johns. (N. Y.) 438, 489. Si aliquid ex solemnibus deficiat, cum cequitas poscit, subveniendnm est. If any one of certain required forms be wanting. where equity requires, it will be aided. 1 Kent, Comm. 157. The want of some of a neutral vessel’s papers Is strong presumptive evidence against the ship’s neutrality, yet the want of any one of them is not absolutely conclusive. Id.

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