
Definition and Citations:

The sitting of a court, legislature, council, commission, etc., for the transaction of its proper business. Ilence, the period of time, within any one day, during which such body is assembled in form, and engaged in the transaction of business, or, in a more extended sense, the whole space of time from its first assembling to its pro- rogation or adjournment sine die. Synonyms. Strictly speaking, the word “session,” as applied to a court of justice, is not synonymous with the word “term.” The “session” of a court is the time during which it actually sits for the transaction of judicial business, and hence terminates each day with the rising of the court. A “term” of court is the period fixed by law, usually embracing many days or weeks, during which it shall be open for the transaction of judicial business and during which it may hold sessions from day to day. But this distinction is not always observed, many aulhorities using the two words interchangeably. See Lipari v. State, 19 Tex. App. 433; Stefani v. State. 124 Ind. 3. 24 N. E. 254; Mansfield v. Mutual Ben. L. Ins. Co., 63 Conn. 579. 29 All. 137; Ileim v. Bram- mer, 145 Ind. 605. 44 N. E. 038; Cresap v. Cresap. 54 V. Va. 581. 40 S. E. 582; U. S. v. Dietrich (C. C.) 120 Fed. 660.

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