
Definition and Citations:

Forbearance; omission. Omne actum ab intentione agentis est judicandum. Every act is to be judged by the intention of the doer. Branch, Princ. Omne crimen ebrietas et incendit et detegit. Drunkenness both inflames (or ag- gravates) and reveals every crime. Co. Litt. 247a; 4 Bl. Comm. 26; Brooiu, Max. 17. Omne jns ant consensus fecit, ant necessities constituit aut firmavit consue- tndo. Every right is either made by consent, or is constituted by necessity, or is established by custom. Dig. 1, 3, 40. Omne magis dignnm trahit ad se minus dignum, quam vis minus dignnm sit antiqnius. Every worthier thing draws to It the less worthy, though the less worthy be the more ancient. Co. Litt. 3556. Omne magnum exemplum Habet ali- quid ex iniquo, quod publica utilitate compensatur. Hob. 279. Every great example has some portion of evil, which is compensated by tbe public utility. Omne majus continet in se minus. Every greater contains in itself the less. 5 Coke, 115a. Tbe greater always contains the less. Broom, Max. 174. Omne majus dignum continet in se minus dignum. Co. Litt. 43. The more worthy contains in itself the less worthy. Omne majus minus in se complectitur. Every greater embraces in Itself the less. Jenk. Cent. 208. Omne principale trahit ad se accesso- rium. Every principal thing draws to it self the accessory. Parsons v. Welles, 17 Mass. 425; Green y. Hart, 1 Johns. (N. Y.> 580. Omne quod solo insedificatnr solo cedit. Everything which is built upon the soil belongs to the soil. Dig. 47, 3, 1; Broom, Max. 401. Omne sacramentum debet esse de certa ?cientia. Every oath ought to be of certain knowledge. 4 Inst 279. Omne testamentum morte consumma- tum est. 3 Coke, 29. Every will is completed by death. Omnes actiones in mundo infra certa tempora habent limitationem. All ac tions in the world are limited within certain periods. Bract fol. 52. Omnes homines aut liberi sunt aut servi. All men are freemen or slaves. Inst. 1, 3, pr.; Fleta, 1. 1, c. 1,

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