
Definition and Citations:

Law always constrneth things to the best. Wing. Max. p. 720, max. 193. Law constrneth every act to be lawful, when it standeth indifferent whether it shonld be lawful or not. Wing. Max. p. 722, max. 194; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, n. 76. Law constrneth things according to common possibility or intendment. Wing. Max. p. 705, max. 189. Law [the law] constrneth things with equity and moderation. Wing. Max. p. 685, max. 183; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, n. 74. Law disfavoreth impossibilities. Wing. Max. p. 606, max. 155. Law disfavoreth improbabilities. Wing. Max. p. 620, max. 161.Law [the law] favoreth charity. Wing. Max. p. 407, max. 135. Law favoreth common right. Wing. Max. p. 547, max. 144. Law favoreth diligence, and therefore hateth folly and negligence. Wing. Max. p. 665, max. 172; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 70. Law favoreth honor and order. Wing. Max. p. 739, max. 199. Law favoreth jnstice and right. Wing. Max. p. 502, max. 141. Law favoreth life, liberty, and dower. 4 Bacon’s Works, 345. Law favoreth mutual recompense. Wing. Max. p. 411, max. 108; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 42. Law [the law] favoreth possession, where the right is equal. Wing. Max. p. 375, max. 98; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 36. Law favoreth public commerce. Wing. Max. p. 738, max. 198. Law favoreth public qniet. Wing. Max. p. 742, max. 200; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 54. Law favoreth speeding of men’s causes. Wing. Max. p. 673, max. 175. Law [the law] favoreth things for the commonwealth, [common weal.] Wing. Max. p. 729, max. 197; Finch, Law, b. 1, a 3, no. 53. Law favoreth truth, faith, and certainty. Wing. Max. p. 604, max. 154. Law hateth delays. Wing. Max. p. 674, max. 176; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 71. Law hateth new inventions and innovations. Wing. Max. p. 756, max. 204. Law hateth wrong. Wing. Max. p. 563, max. 146; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 62. Law of itself prejudiceth no man. Wing. Max. p. 575, max. 148; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 63. Law respecteth matter of snbstance more than matter of circumstance. Wing. Max. p. 382, max. 101; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 39. Law respecteth possibility of things. Wing. Max. p. 403, max. 104; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 40. Law [the law] respecteth the bonds of nature. Wing. Max. p. 2G8, max. 7S; Finch, Law, b. 1, c. 3, no. 29.

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