In Dorso

Definition and Citations:

On the back. 2 Bl. Comm. 468; 2 Steph. Comm. 164. In dnrso recordi,on the back of the record. 5 Coke, 45. Ilence the English indorse, indorsement, etc.In dubiis, benigniora praeferenda sunt.In doubtful cases, the more favorable views are to be preferred; the more liberal interpretationis to be followed. Dig. 50, 17, 56; 2 Kent, Comm. 557.In dubiis, magis dignum est accipi- endum. Branch, Princ. In doubtful cases, themore worthy is to be accepted.In dubiis, non prsesumitur pro testa- mento. In cases of doubt, the presumption isnot in favor of a will. Branch, Princ. But see Cro. Car. 51.

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