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FILL Definition & Legal Meaning

Definition & Citations:

To make full; to complete; to satisfy or fulfill; to possess and perform theduties of.The election of a person to an office constitutes the essence of his appointment; butthe office cannot be considered as actually filled until his acceptance, either express orimplied. Johnston v. Wilson, 2 N. II. 202, 9 Am. Dec. 50.Where one subscribes for shares in a corporation, agreeing to “take and fill” acertain number of shares, assumpsit will lie against him to recover an assessment onhis shares; the word “fill,” in this connection, amounting to a promise to payassessments. Bangor Bridge Co. v. McMahon, 10 Me. 478.To fill a prescription is to furnish, prepare, and combine the requisite materials indue proportion as prescribed. Ray v. Burbank, 61 Ga. 505, 34 Am. Rep. 103.


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