
Definition and Citations:

Bias; partiality; lenity; prejudice. See CHALLENGE.Favorabilia in lege sunt fiscus, dos, vita, libertas. Jenk. Cent. 94. Things favorablyconsidered in law are the treasury, dower, life, liberty.Favorabiliores rei, potius quam ac- tores, habentur. The condition of the defendantmust be favored, rather than that of the plaintiff. In other words, mclior est conditiodefendentis. Dig. 50, 17, 125; Broom, Max. 715.Favorabiliores sunt executiones aliis proccssibus quibuscunque. Co. Litt. 289.Executions are preferred to all other processes whatever.Favores ampliandi sunt; odia restrin- genda. Jenk. Cent. ISO. Favors are to beenlarged; things hateful restrained.

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