Definition and Citations:
Renouncing or resigning one’s place. Ejus est interpretarl cujus est con- dere. It is his to interpret whose it is to enact. Tayl. Civil Law, 9G.Ejus est nolle, qui potest velle. Hewho can will, [exercise volition,] has a right to refuse to will, [to withhold consent.] Dig. 50, 7, 3.Ejus est periculum cujus est dominium ant commodum. He who has the dominion or advantage has the risk.Ejus nulla culpa est, cui parere ne- cesse sit. No guilt attaches to him who iscompelled to obey. Dig. 50. 17. 1G9, pr. Obedience to existing laws is a sufficient extenuationof guilt before a civil tribunal. Broom, Max. 12, note.