
Definition and Citations:

A traverse in the pleading of one party of an allegation of fact set up by theother; a’ defense. See Flack v. O’Brien, 19 Misc. Rep. 399, 43 N. T. Supp. 854; Mott v.Raxter, 29 Colo. 418, 68 Pac. 220.General and specific. In code pleading, a general denial is one which puts in issue allthe material averments of the complaint or petition. and permits the defendant to proveany and all facts tending to negative those averments or anv of them. Mauldin v. Ball. 5Mont. 90. 1 Pac. 409; Goode v. Elwood Lodge, 160 Ind. 251. 06 N. E. 742. A specificdenial is a separate denial applicable to one particular allegation of the complaint. GasCo. v. San BL.LAW DICT.(2D ED.)

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