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Category: R


In Scotch conveyanciug. Having the quality or effect of resolving or extinguishing a right. Bell. Resolnto jure concedentis resolvitnr jus concessum. The right of the grantor being extinguished, the right granted is


The obligation to answer for an act done, and to repair any injury it may have caused.


Confinement, abridgment, or limitation. Prohibition of action; holding or pressing back from action. Hindrance, confinement, or restriction of liberty. “What, then, according to a common unaer- standing, is the meaning of the


A writ that lies for tlie distrainor of goods (when, on replevin brought, he has proved his distress to be a lawful one) against him who was so dis- trained, to have


As applied to the income of a government, this is a broad and general term, including all public moneys which the state collects and receives, from whatever source and in whatever manner.


In English law. Barristers appointed to revise the list of voters for county and borough mem bers of parliament and who hold courts for that purpose throughout the county. St 6 Vict


A piece of gold coin current for 10s.. in 1 lie reign of Henry VI., at which time there were half-rials and quarter-rials or rial- fartliings. In the beginning of Queen Eliza-


This is a phrase frequently used in place of chose in action, and having an identical meaning.


Such as a man may acquire over external objects, or things unconnected with his person. 1 BL Comm. 122. RIGHTS, PETITION OF 1041 RIPARIAN


An ancient code of laws by which the Ripuarii, a tribe of Franks who occupied the country upon the Rhine, the Meuse, and the Scheldt, were governed. They were first reduced to


Fr. A word anciently used by sailors for the cargo of a ship. The Italian “roba” had the same meaning.


A tract of land in the county of Kent, England, containing twenty- four thousand acres, governed by certain ancient and equitable laws of sewers, composed by Henry de Bathe, a venerable judge


Fr. In French insurance law. The way that is taken to make the voyage insured. The direction of the voyage assured.


the damages caused by a collision between the two ships. 3 Kent, Comm. 231; Story, Bailm.


In the legal polity of the Salians and Ripuarians and other Germanic peoples, this name was given to the judges or assessors who sat with the count in his mallum, (court.) and


The order or place in which certain officers are placed in the army and navy, in relation to others. Wood v. U. S., 15 Ct. CI. 158.


Lat. Confirmation, agreement, consent, approbation of a contract. Saltmarsh v. Candia, 51 N. II. 76. Ratihabitio mandato scquiparatur. Ratification is equivalent to express command. Dig. 46, 3, 12, 4; Broom, Max. 867;


The abbreviation of “re- cordari facias loquelam,” (q. v.) Re, verbis, scripto, consensu, tradi- tione, junctnra vestes sumere pacta solent. Compacts usually take their clothing from the thing itself, from words, from

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