About TheLawDictionary.org
TheLawDictionary.org features Black’s Law Dictionary, the trusted legal dictionary of law definitions and terms for over 100 years, the 2nd edition has over 15K legal terms for your business and research use. We also publish articles that answer common legal questions and law careers and schools.
The Scholarship
Prize Awarded: $1,000
Deadline: August 1st, 2019
Winner Announced: August 15th, 2019
Scholarship Rules And Requirements
- Applicants may only submit one post for consideration.
- Applicants may not submit content that has been previously published online.
- Applicants must be current college students who are actively pursuing a business or law degree.
- The college the student is enrolled in must be located in the United States or Canada.
Submission Guidelines
All posts should be written with an informational tone and devoid anecdotal information.
Please see the submission grading rubric for important notes to hit on your submission.
Post topics and ideas
Although we will consider any post that does not fall into the following topics and ideas list, here’s a list of post we’d love to see:
- Worker’s compensation laws
- Living wills and important considerations (considerations both legal as well as for families.)
- Stockholder- and equity-related articles.
- Important business regulations and laws
- Business structures and the laws that govern them
- The importance of [insert topic here]
The posts from finalists may be published on TheLawDictionary.org with attribution.
How To Apply
To apply for the scholarship, applicants should submit the following email to edu@thelawdictionary.org:
- Subject line: 2019 Scholarship Application
- Full name
- Age
- Current school
- Major
- Student ID number
- The post (800+ words)
TheLawDictionary.org will not share the names or personal information of applicants with anyone other than TheLawDictionary.org team and the school where the applicant chooses to send the scholarship. Finalists grant TheLawDictionary.org the right to use and edit their submissions for publishing on TheLawDictionary.org with full attribution. Finalists may choose to opt-out from having their work published on TheLawDictionary.org. Winner will be contacted by August 15th, but TheLawDictionary.org reserves the right to not award the scholarship if there is a lack of quality submissions. For any questions about this scholarship please email to edu@thelawdictionary.org.